WELL. I'm not sure about you, but my short mental list of possible concerns for the spring did not include "global pandemic." And to be honest, I wasn't planning on a massive stock market meltdown either. 

But here we are, so let's get through it.

Many engineered products go through a process of stress testing, and I think that's what we are heading into right now - a period of stress testing, both broadly in terms of our healthcare and economic systems, and in each of our businesses as well. It's safe to say we are heading into some uncharted waters.

But that's not all bad. Forced change can be extremely instructive, even if the "instruction" can be unpleasant. We are each needing to adapt our operations in a way that safeguards the health of ourselves, our families, our employees, clients and the community at large. 

What We Are Doing

Starting today, the whole team except me has shifted to working remotely. We are still open for business, and we are still going to be turning out the high level of quality and service you expect from us - but it's going to probably involve more e-mails and fewer phone calls. As mentioned, I will still be in the office every day to handle parts of the business that cannot happen remotely.

I ask your patience as we work out the kinks in the process, but we are looking forward to the forced opportunity to get better at working collaboratively from different locations.

Communication is Key

One way to stave off uncertainty is through proactive communication. This would be a really good time to create a communication plan, in order to maintain contact with your existing clients and prospects. One possible upshot to all of this is that people are spending a LOT more time around their homes, and that focus on their home environment can lead to purchasing lawn and landscape services. 

But for right now, let me suggest you touch base with your database via e-mail, if you have not already. Below are links to a couple of virus-specific e-mails we have put together for clients in the last week. Yes, people are getting a lot of these types of e-mails - because it's a good idea. 

If you want to get a full e-mail communication program set up, we would love to help. If you just want to get a single message about the virus out, we can do that as well.

As usual, if we can help you with any aspect of marketing, advertising or communications, or if you just want to talk - we are here to help.